Automotive Paint Shop Sealants
Underbody Coatings
Phirol’s underbody coatings are specifically designed to endure harsh conditions, providing a protective shield to your automobile’s underbelly. Our product lineup includes Heat curing PVC &Air-Dryingtype. These coatings are not just anti-chip solutions, but also feature exceptional moisture and corrosion resistance properties. Once applied, the coating forms an elastic film that is tough yet flexible enough to withstand road shocks. This robust layer is also equipped with superior water-repellent capabilities, ensuring your vehicle’s underbody remains dry and rust-free even when exposed to wet conditions. Whether you’re navigating through muddy terrains or bumpy roads filled with stones, our underbody coating ensures your ride’s longevity by minimizing damage. It’s time to protect your investment with Chembond’s high-quality underbody coatings. Read More

Seam Sealer
Phirol’s automotive seam sealant, notable for its dense thickness, provides easy repair solutions for large openings. The sealant is engineered to strongly bond with ED, phosphate, and painted metal surfaces on vehicles. Our offerings come in 3C1B, 2C1B, 2C2B, and Wet on Wet Mono coat paint system formats. They are designed to work harmoniously with diverse types of auto paint systems. This solution for filling gaps doesn’t shrink or crack, and it has a mild scent, while maintaining its flexibility over time. It effectively prevents leaks and debris from infiltrating your vehicle, showcasing superior anti-corrosion properties. Prepped for primer and paint use, it blends flawlessly with the finish of your vehicle. Unaffected by harsh weather elements, this sealant thrives amidst high temperatures and humidity. It is apt for both indoor and exteriorautomotive applications.

Thumb Grade Sealer
Thumb Grade Sealer effortlessly seals large joints and gaps commonly found in vehicles, turning into a flexible and adherent sealer with superior resistance to air and water. It serves as an invisible shield, warding off dust and moisture, thus effectively curbing the occurrence of corrosion. Offered in two variants – one PVC-based for paint shops and another rubber-based for body shops – it exhibits remarkable compatibility with CRS Panels & ED Coated panels.Unlike ordinary sealers, Chembond’s Thumb Grade Sealer can be painted over Monocoat, solid and metallic paint systems.The product not only offers adhesion to clean surfaces but also underscores our commitment to quality and innovation in the automotive industry.